Student Support

How to Transfer to USC

SMC is the top transfer California Community College to USC! Learn about admission requirements.

How To Transfer To USC

SMC is the top transfer California Community College to USC! Hear from a USC Undergraduate Admission staff member who makes transfer admission decisions about what students need to do to be competitive applicants.


Workshop is scheduled PST

Thursday, November 7, 2024 (Hybrid)
11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
On-ground: SSC 183, Orientation Hall
Registration Link
Upon registering for this workshop, please add the event to your calendar when prompted

NOTE: This session is being offered as a Hybrid Workshop. The workshop will be presented virtually as well as in the classroom.


The College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities to make all learning experiences accessible. The Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD, also known as DSPS) is the official campus office that works to arrange reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. If you feel you may need accommodations based on the impact of a disability, please contact CSD or DSPS to initiate a conversation about your options at 310-434-4265 or Contact should be initiated as soon as possible to allow adequate time for accommodations to be arranged.  The Center for Students with Disabilities is located on the 1st floor of the Student Services Center.