Not on Our Campus

Not on Our Campus Pledge


No Hate SMC Pledge

Make the Pledge Today: No Hate at SMC

Not On Our Campus Button"I pledge to speak up and to speak out against all forms of hate, bias, bigotry, discrimination, harassment, and bullying. I will not tolerate intolerance based on race, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, sexuality, gender, religion, ability, age, or socio-economic status. I will work together with my community and my peers to create a more inclusive and safe campus community that celebrates the power of diversity."

SMC Students, Faculty & Staff Who Made the Pledge

​The following is a list of ​Santa Monica College students, faculty, and staff who committed to create a safe, supportive, and inclusive campus.

SMC Students

  • Alexander C. Totz
  • Alexis Gosselin, A.S. Publicity Director
  • Biraj Gurung, A.S Student Assistance Director
  • Brooke Harrington, former Student Trustee
  • Carla Claure, former A.S. Activities Director
  • Cyrus Jalili Khiabani
  • Daniel Cha, former A.S. President
  • Daniel Jimenez, A.S. Activities Director
  • Dee Cappelli
  • Jiangjun Wu
  • Joshua Elizondo, Student Trustee
  • Judith Medvedev
  • Karina Sanchez 
  • Karla Bellot, A.S. Equity & Diversity Director
  • Kelsey Molle, A.S. Vice President
  • Lili Zimble
  • Merissa Weiland
  • Natalie Lim, former Inter-Club Council Chair
  • Nathan Silberberg, A.S. Secretary
  • Pamela Soto
  • Sabina Lee, former A.S. Publicity Director
  • Skander Zmerli, former A.S. Budget Management Director
  • Summer Le, former A.S. Student Advocacy Director
  • Tafari Alan, A.S. President
  • Tracy Hurtado, Student Worker
  • Wosenyelesh Gebermicael

SMC Faculty

  • Alexander Ibaraki, ESL Professor
  • Benny Blaydes, Counselor & ICC Advisor
  • Debra Wacks, Art Instructor
  • Dennis Funes, Counselor & ICC Advisor
  • Edward P. Mangus, Photography Instructor
  • Fletcher Beasley, Design Technology Associate Professor
  • Heather Bennett, History Professor
  • Jeremiah Selvey, Choral/Vocal Music Professor
  • Julia Gothold, HTTC Specialist
  • Laila C. Dellapasqua, ESL Instructor
  • Laura Canellias, Dance Instructor
  • Laura Manson, ECE Professor
  • Maria Martinez, Latino Center & Adelante Program Leader & Counselor
  • Marisol Moreno, History Professor
  • Marissa Moreno, Dance Professor
  • Melissa Verlet, History Associate Instructor
  • Mark Tomasic, Dance Professor & Equity & Diversity Committee Chair
  • Nate Donahue, Academic Senate President
  • Nicola McGee, Noncredit Instructor
  • Robin Ramsdell, Counselor
  • Sara Nieves-Lucas, Transfer Center Counselor
  • Shari Davis, Public Policy Institute Co-Director
  • Sherri Bradford, Black Collegians Program Leader
  • Tiffany Inabu, Counselor & A.S. Advisor
  • Veronica Gutierrez, Counselor
  • Victoria Santiago, Counselor
  • Yamissett Westerband, Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Professor

SMC Staff & Administrators

  • Angela Valentine, Disabled Student Services Assistant
  • AnneMarre Bautista, Research Analyst
  • Brenda Benson, Counseling, Retention & Student Wellness Senior Administrative Dean
  • Christina Fuller, EOPS/CARE, Guardian Scholars, CalWORKs & DREAM Center Student Services Specialist
  • Cindy Ordaz, Administrative Assistant & CSEA VP
  • Denise Henninger, Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services Supervisor
  • Denise Kinsella, International Education Center Associate Dean
  • Diana Askew, Student Affairs Administrative Assistant
  • Donald Girard, Senior Director of Government Relations & Institutional Communications
  • Dr. Kathryn Jeffery, Superintendent/President
  • Edna Chavarry, Academic Affairs Initiatives Director
  • Esau Tovar, Enrollment Services Dean
  • Eve Adler, Nursing Program Director & Management Association President
  • George Rogers, Student Services Clerk
  • Hannah Lawler, Institutional Research Dean
  • Isaac A. Rodriguez Lupercio, Student Life Associate Dean
  • Karen Monzon, Employee and Labor Relations
  • Janice Tovar, Campus Police Dispatcher
  • Jenny Merlic, VP of Academic Affairs
  • Jo Popadynetz, Course Materials Buyer
  • Johnnie Adams, Police Chief
  • Joy Watson Orenstein, Customer Service Assistant
  • Katie Medernach, Accounting Specialist
  • Lina Ladyzhenskaya, Student Judicial Affairs Director
  • Lisa Burns, Judicial Affairs Administrative Assistant
  • Mike Tuitasi, VP of Student Services
  • Mitch Heskel, Education Enterprise Dean
  • Nancy Greenstein, Board of Trustees Chair
  • Nick Mata, Special Programs Associate Dean
  • Pressian Nicolov, International Education Center Dean
  • Rachel Demski, Curriculum Specialist
  • Robert Hnilo, Journey Level Painter
  • Sherri Lee-Lewis, VP of Human Resources
  • Susan Fila, Health & Wellbeing Director
  • Teresita Rodriguez, VP of Enrollment Development
  • Terry Kamibayashi, Assistant Director of Facilities Maintenance
  • Vanan Yahnian, STEM Project Manager
  • Vina Chin, Human Resources Analyst
  • Vince Carter, Police Captain