Student Support

Title IX Leadership Program for Students


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Fall 2024 "Beyond Sex Toolbox"

The series kicks off this year with Title IX leadership programs for students.

We are offering you the opportunity to participate in an impactful series of in-depth workshops led by experts in the fields of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and supporting victims of trauma. The Title IX Leadership Program is an opportunity for you to became a leader in the area of Title IX and to create a network of like-minded students who do not tolerate sexual harassment, stalking and/or sexual violence on campus or in the community.

All SMC students are invited to attend any or all of the workshops in the program. However, to earn the 2024 Title IX Leadership certificate and be recognized by the SMC Board of Trustees, you must attend all five meetings - the Orientation on September 19, 2024, and the four workshops on October 1, 8, 15, and 29, 2024.

The Orientation panel will consist of the SMC Title IX Coordinator, and representatives of the SMC Police Force, the SMC Care and Prevention Team, the Ombuds Office, and Academic Affairs. They can all fill you in on valuable information relating to safety information and resources at SMC.

The remaining four Title IX workshops described below, will cover extremely current and relevant topics to what is happening on your campus today, as well as at the local, national and world societal levels. These workshops will be presented by experts in their field from entities such as the Rape Treatment Center, the Jenesse Center, which is an important domestic violence assistance center, and the Los Angeles LGBT Center.  The presenters impart the benefit of their first-hand, hands-on knowledge, giving you valuable life skills which may be applicable to yourself, and/or tools to recognize certain situations and know how to safely help friends, family and others in need.

Leadership Program graduate candidates will then take the knowledge, and work in groups or solo, in creating their action plan to make an impact on campus and/or in the community. The culmination of the program for those who successfully complete the program will be a graduation ceremony and the recognition and presentation of a certificate to all graduates by the Santa Monica College Board of Trustees at the Board Meeting.

This series is being offered free of charge to current SMC students.

Current Issues and Cultural Shifts

The series consists of the following six meetings that look at current issues and cultural shifts around sexual harassment and sexual assault

Title IX Leadership Program Orientation and Panel Discussion

A panel of SMC Leaders providing Information and answering your questions about available SMC support and resources
Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at 11:15 a.m.
Register for the Title IX Leadership Program Orientation and Panel Discussion zoom meeting

Workshop #1 - Preventing Sexual Assault:

Creating a Culture of Consent & Respect. Why This is a Man’s Issue Too
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 11:15 a.m.
Register for the Preventing Sexual Assault zoom meeting

Workshop #2 - Healthy Relationships

Understanding Domestic & Dating Violence, Stalking, and Bystander Intervention
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 11:15 a.m.
Register for the Healthy Relationships zoom meeting

Workshop #3 - Intersectionality Issues

LGBTQ+ and Other Marginalized Populations
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 11:15 a.m.
Register for the Intersectionality Issues zoom meeting

Workshop #4 - Supporting Survivors of Trauma

Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 11:15 a.m.
Register for the Supporting Survivors of Trauma zoom meeting

Benefits of Participating

  • Become a leader in a cultural shift around sexual violence.
  • Officially be recognized as a student Title IX leader who can assist other students.
  • Become part of the SMC community network actively promoting a campus free from sexual violence.
  • Learn valuable life skills
  • The sign of your commitment to the issues are valued by many institutes of higher education at which you may one day be affiliated.

If you have any questions about the 2024 Title IX leadership Program please email for a prompt response.  If you have a specific issue requiring more assistance, please contact Karen Monzon at or 310-434-4942, or Vina Chin at or 310-434-8071.

Additional Upcoming Courses

*This course is subject to change.

We look forward to seeing you there!