Language Lab

Mango Languages


Mango Languages

A large 'M' with various colors and patterns. The word 'MANGO' is written below.

Mango Languages is a free language learning app available to all SMC language students. It offers structured vocabulary lessons and other tools for students to practice.

When logging in to Mango Languages, students should use the provided Login Portal below to access their accounts. Students will need to use the Student Account Login formula to access the app. 

Mango Languages Login Portal

Student Account Login Information

Each semester, Mango Languages accounts are automatically created for language students on the first day of classes. These accounts are separate from Corsair Connect. For assistance with Mango Languages, students can contact the Lab Support Desk.

To access your Mango Languages account, you will need your course section number and SMC Network Username. If you are unsure about your course section number, refer to your course syllabus. To find your SMC Network Username, use the Username Lookup form.

SMC Username Lookup Form

Username Formula

  1. Course Section Number + SMC Network Username (all UPPERCASE) 
    1. To find your course section number, check your course syllabus.
    2. To find your SMC Network Username, use the Username Lookup form.
  2. Username Example: 1234LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME
  3. Explanation: If your course section number is 1234 and your SMC Network Username is LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME, your Mango Languages username would be: 1234LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.

Password Formula

  1. SMC Network Username (all lowercase)
    1. To find your course section number, check your course syllabus.
    2. To find your SMC Network Username, use the Username Lookup form.
  2. Example: lastname_firstname
  3. Explanation: If your SMC Network Username is LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME, your Mango Languages password would be: lastname_firstname.

Alternative Formula for Network Usernames with 7 Characters or Fewer:

Mango Languages requires a minimum of 8 characters in a password. Therefore, students with an SMC Network Username with 7 characters or fewer must use the alternative formula.

The Mango Languages account username and password will both be the same.

Username & Password Formula

  1. Course Section Number + SMC Network Username (all lowercase)
    1. To find your course section number, check your course syllabus. 
    2. To find your SMC Network Username, use the Username Lookup form.
  2. Username Example: 1234fo_ki
  3. Password Example: 1234fo_ki
  4. Explanation: If your SMC Network Username is 7 characters or fewer (e.g., fo_ki), your Mango Languages username and password would BOTH be: 1234fo_ki.


The Language Lab Support Desk provides technical assistance and support for Mango Languages and other lab resources.

Students can contact a Lab Support team member via email, phone, or by scheduling an appointment. To receive faster assistance, use your official '' email account when emailing a team member. Additionally, tech tutorials, guides, and announcements regarding the Learning Center can be found on our Canvas Shell.

Language Lab Support Desk